Articles & Tips.A few articles with some helpful tips on branding, marketing and nonprofit management.
Articles & Tips.A few articles with some helpful tips on branding, marketing and nonprofit management.
What's In A Name?How important is your brand's name? Do you need a new name? Five helpful tips on naming...
What's Your Why?What is your brand vision? Does your organization have a North Star? Five helpful tips on developing a vision...
Perception Is RealityWhat do people really think about your brand? Perception is reality. Five helpful tips on perception...
What Is Your Brand Promise?What does your brand stand for? What are you promising? Five helpful tips on creating a strong brand promise....
Choosing A CauseOverwhelmed by the number of causes to choose from? What makes sense for your organization? Five helpful tips on choosing a cause...
Mining For GoldHow do you mine for those insights on your brand that will really help to make a difference? Five helpful tips on doing research...
5 Tips For VolunteeringEver wanted to volunteer your time and talents, but not sure where to get started? Five helpful tips on volunteering...
The Do's & Don'ts Of Starting a NonProfitHave you ever wanted to start your own nonprofit? The top 12 Do's and Don'ts on starting a nonprofit organization...
UnpackingThere are lots of tips on how to "pack" for a trip, but what about unpacking? Seven helpful tips on the emotional unpacking needed after an intense trip...
Coaching & Support. Find It Here.Are you in transition and need help with some coaching and support? Shakti Consulting offers coaching for individuals and groups.
5 Tips For Creating Core Values.What are your core values? Are they being lived out everyday or are they just words on your website or wall? Here are 5 helpful tips on creating powerful and enduring core values...
What Is Your Personal Brand?In an age of selfies and 24/7 social media, we all have a brand, whether we are aware of it or not. Here are some ways to identify the dimensions of your personal brand...